Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry, 2Q 2023

This research report presents shipment value forecast and recent quarter review of the Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing industry for the period 2Q2023-3Q2023. Companies surveyed in this research are those owning facilities to make MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) wafers in Taiwan, including foundries, DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) makers, flash memory makers, and IDMs (Integrated Device Manufacturers). The content of this report is based on primary data obtained from interviews and publicly available information.


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Shipment Value, 4Q 2020 - 3Q 2023
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Shipment Value by Business Type, 4Q 2020 - 3Q 2023
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry 8-equiv. Wafer Shipment Volume and Utilization Rate, 4Q 2020 - 3Q 2023
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Wafer Shipment Volume by Wafer Dimension, 4Q 2020 - 3Q 2023
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry 12-inch Wafer Shipment Volume and Utilization Rate, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry 12-inch Wafer Shipment Volume by Business Type, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry 8-inch and below Wafer Shipment Volume and Utilization Rate, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry 8-inch and below Wafer Shipment Volume by Business Type, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan Foundry Industry’s Shipment Value Ranking, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan Foundry Industry Shipment Value by Process Technology, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan Foundry Industry Shipment Value Share by Process Technology, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan DRAM Industrys Shipment Value Ranking, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan DRAM Industrys 8-equiv. Wafer Shipment Volume by Process Technology, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Taiwan DRAM Industrys 8-equiv. Wafer Shipment Volume Share by Process Technology, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Exchange Rate, 4Q 2020 - 1Q 2023
Research Scope & Definitions

Development of the Taiwan Information and Communications Technology Industry, 2023 and Beyond

This report provides an overview of the Taiwan information and communication technology industry with statistical facts. It examines the development of the Taiwan information hardware industry, analyzing shipment value and

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Taiwanese Semiconductor Industry Landscape, 2023 and Beyond

The global semiconductor market is projected to reach a value of US$515 billion in 2023 and is expected to continue growing in 2024. Building on the strong growth witnessed in

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing First Quarter Operating Financial Review SWOT Analysis Technological Know

2024 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing First Quarter Operating and Financial Review--SWOT Analysis, Technological Know-How, M&A, Senior Management, Goals and Strategies in the Global Information Technology, Services Industry This report is part

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Full Year Operating

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 2023 Full Year Operating and Financial Review--SWOT Analysis, Technological Know-How, M&A, Senior Management, Goals and Strategies in the Global Information Technology, Services Industry This report is part

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