Applications of 5G in Energy Industry (pre-order)

2019 marks the starting year of commercialization of 5G networks as every industry keep a close eye on the development of 5G applications across a broad range of industries. This report analyzes 5G market value in the energy sector and several use cases to evaluate the implementation feasibility of 5G in this sector and examine potential applications in the short, medium, and long terms.

1. Potential Applications of 5G in Energy Sector
2.Potential Applications in Short Term
2.1 Private Energy Networks
2.1.2 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Patrols
2.1.3 Remote Device Control
2.1.4 AR/VR Use Cases
2.2 Smart Grids
2.2.1 Microgrids
2.2.2 Smart Meters
2.3 Smart Street Lighting
3.Potential Applications in Medium and Long Term
3.1 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
3.2 Automated Building Solutions
4. MIC Perspective
Glossary of Terms
List of Companies
List of Figures
Figure 1 5G Market Value in Energy Sector, 2020-2026
Figure 2 Illustration of 5G UAV Use Cases
Figure 3 AR/VR Use Cases
Figure 4 5G Applications in Energy Sector

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