Global Passenger Rail - Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2025

Global Passenger Rail - Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2025


Global Passenger Rail industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value and volume 2016-20, and forecast to 2025). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market.

Key Highlights

- The passenger rail sector consists of all passenger transport by heavy rail services, including international, inter-city, regional, and suburban trains ("Commuter trains" in US terminology are included). However, light rail, tram/streetcar, Metro/Subway, and similar trains are not included.
- The global passenger rail sector had total revenues of $139.9bn in 2020, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -13.1% between 2016 and 2020.
- Sector consumption volumes declined with a CARC of -13.8% between 2016 and 2020, to reach a total of 2,086.6 billion PKM in 2020.
- Recovery of the global passenger rail sector is largely reliant upon the Asia-Pacific region since it accounted for 52% of the global passenger rail sector in 2020. Sluggish growth in this region may slow global recovery.


- Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, and leading players in the passenger rail market in the global
- Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the globalpassenger rail market
- Leading company profiles reveal details of key passenger rail market players global operations and financial performance
- Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the Global passenger rail market with five year forecasts by both value and volume

Reasons to Buy

- What was the size of the Global passenger rail market by value in 2020?
- What will be the size of the Global passenger rail market in 2025?
- What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the Global passenger rail market?
- How has the market performed over the last five years?
- How large is the globals passenger rail market in relation to its regional counterparts?
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Geography segmentation
1.6. Market rivalry
1.7. Competitive Landscape
2 Market Overview
2.1. Market definition
2.2. Market analysis
3 Market Data
3.1. Market value
3.2. Market volume
4 Market Segmentation
4.1. Geography segmentation
5 Market Outlook
5.1. Market value forecast
5.2. Market volume forecast
6 Five Forces Analysis
6.1. Summary
6.2. Buyer power
6.3. Supplier power
6.4. New entrants
6.5. Threat of substitutes
6.6. Degree of rivalry
7 Competitive Landscape
7.1. Who are the leading players?
7.2. How have the largest players fared in the recent past?
7.3. What strategies do the leading players follow?
7.4. How are operators responding to increase demand for sustainable travel options?
7.5. How has COVID-19 affected the sector?
8 Company Profiles
8.1. National Railroad Passenger Corp
8.2. SNCF Mobilites Group (Inactive)
8.3. East Japan Railway Co
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Appendix
10.1. Methodology
10.2. Industry associations
10.3. Related MarketLine research
10.4. About MarketLine

List Of Tables

List of Tables
Table 1: Global passenger rail sector value: $ billion, 2016-20
Table 2: Global passenger rail sector volume: billion PKM, 2016-20
Table 3: Global passenger rail sector geography segmentation: $ billion, 2020
Table 4: Global passenger rail sector value forecast: $ billion, 2020-25
Table 5: Global passenger rail sector volume forecast: billion PKM, 2020-25
Table 6: National Railroad Passenger Corp: key facts
Table 7: National Railroad Passenger Corp: Key Employees
Table 8: SNCF Mobilites Group (Inactive): key facts
Table 9: SNCF Mobilites Group (Inactive): Key Employees
Table 10: SNCF Mobilites Group (Inactive): Key Employees Continued
Table 11: East Japan Railway Co: key facts
Table 12: East Japan Railway Co: Annual Financial Ratios
Table 13: East Japan Railway Co: Key Employees
Table 14: East Japan Railway Co: Key Employees Continued
Table 15: East Japan Railway Co: Key Employees Continued
Table 16: East Japan Railway Co: Key Employees Continued
Table 17: Global exchange rate, 2016-20

List Of Figures

List of Figures
Figure 1: Global passenger rail sector value: $ billion, 2016-20
Figure 2: Global passenger rail sector volume: billion PKM, 2016-20
Figure 3: Global passenger rail sector geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020
Figure 4: Global passenger rail sector value forecast: $ billion, 2020-25
Figure 5: Global passenger rail sector volume forecast: billion PKM, 2020-25
Figure 6: Forces driving competition in the global passenger rail sector, 2020
Figure 7: Drivers of buyer power in the global passenger rail sector, 2020
Figure 8: Drivers of supplier power in the global passenger rail sector, 2020
Figure 9: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the global passenger rail sector, 2020
Figure 10: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the global passenger rail sector, 2020
Figure 11: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the global passenger rail sector, 2020

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