Taiwan In-depth PESTLE Insights

Taiwan In-depth PESTLE Insights


This PESTLE country analysis report on Taiwan provides a holistic view of the country, with insightful analysis of current and future issues, supplemented with relevant quantitative data to support trend analysis.


- Understand the political system in Taiwan through analysis of key figures in the country and governance indicators.
- Understand the economic situation in Taiwan through a balanced assessment of core macroeconomic issues.
- Understand customer demographics in Taiwan through analysis of income distribution and the rural-urban split, as well as healthcare and education.
- Understand the technological landscape in Taiwan through analysis of relevant laws and policies, as well as patents data.
- Understand the legal landscape in Taiwan through analysis of the judicial system as well as performance of the legal indicators
- Understand the environmental landscape in Taiwan through analysis of the environmental regulations and the performance of the environmetal indicators


- The political landscape section discusses the evolution of the political scenario in Taiwan, as well as the countrys economic, social, foreign, and defense policies. The section also discusses the countrys performance according to World Bank Governance Indicators.
- The economic landscape section outlines the evolution of Taiwans economy, as well as the countrys performance in terms of GDP growth, composition by sector (agriculture, industry, and services), fiscal situation, international investment position, monetary situation, credit disbursement, banking sector, and employment."
- The social landscape section analyzes the governments social welfare policies, as well as the countrys performance in terms of healthcare, income distribution, and education.

Reasons to Buy

- What is the outlook in Taiwan in terms of political stability, policies towards business, and the popularity of the government?
- How does Taiwan perform in terms of GDP growth, its fiscal situation, international investment position, monetary situation, and employment?
- How does Taiwan perform in terms of healthcare, income distribution, and education?
- How does Taiwan perform in terms of technology-intensive sectors like IT, life sciences, and R&D expenditure trends?

1.1. Catalyst
1.2. Summary
1.2.1. Key findings
1.2.2. PESTLE highlights
1.3. Impact of COVID-19 on Taiwanese economy
1.3.1. Snapshot
1.3.2. Government Measures
1.3.3. Lockdown Measures
1.3.4. Travel Restrictions
1.3.5. Stimulus Measures
1.3.6. Key fundamentals
2.1. Key facts
2.2. Geographical location
3.1. Summary
3.2. Political analysis
3.2.1. Overview
3.2.2. Current strengths
3.2.3. Current challenges
3.2.4. Future prospects
3.2.5. Future risks
3.3. Economic analysis
3.3.1. Overview
3.3.2. Current strengths
3.3.3. Current challenges
3.3.4. Future prospects
3.3.5. Future risks
3.4. Social analysis
3.4.1. Overview
3.4.2. Current strengths
3.4.3. Current challenges
3.4.4. Future prospects
3.4.5. Future risks
3.5. Technological analysis
3.5.1. Overview
3.5.2. Current strengths
3.5.3. Current challenges
3.5.4. Future prospects
3.5.5. Future risks
3.6. Legal analysis
3.6.1. Overview
3.6.2. Current strengths
3.6.3. Current challenges
3.6.4. Future prospects
3.6.5. Future risks
3.7. Environmental analysis
3.7.1. Overview
3.7.2. Current strengths
3.7.3. Current challenges
3.7.4. Future prospects
3.7.5. Future risks
4.1. Summary
4.2. Evolution
4.3. Structure and policies
4.3.1. Key political figures
4.3.2. Structure of government
4.3.3. Key political parties
4.3.4. Composition of government
4.3.5. Key policies
4.4. Performance
4.4.1. Governance indicators
4.5. Outlook
5.1. Summary
5.2. Evolution
5.3. Structure and policies
5.3.1. Financial authorities and regulators
5.3.2. Taiwan Stock Exchange
5.3.3. Key policies
5.4. Performance
5.4.1. GDP and growth rate
5.4.2. GDP composition by sector
5.4.3. General Government net borrowing
5.4.4. International investment position
5.4.5. Monetary situation
5.4.6. Banking sector
5.4.7. Employment
5.5. Outlook
6.1. Summary
6.2. Evolution
6.3. Structure and policies
6.3.1. Demographic composition
6.3.2. Education
6.3.3. Healthcare
6.3.4. Social welfare
6.4. Performance
6.4.1. Healthcare
6.4.2. Education
6.5. Outlook
7.1. Summary
7.2. Evolution
7.3. Structure and policies
7.3.1. Intellectual property
7.4. Performance
7.4.1. R&D
7.5. Outlook
8.1. Summary
8.2. Evolution
8.3. Structure and policies
8.3.1. Judicial system
8.4. Performance
8.4.1. Effectiveness of the legal system
8.5. Outlook
9.1. Summary
9.2. Evolution
9.3. Structure and policies
9.3.1. Environmental regulations
9.4. Performance
9.5. Outlook
10.1. Ask the analyst
10.2. Disclaimer

List Of Tables

Table 1: Taiwan - Key Fundamentals, 2018-2025f
Table 2: Taiwan - Key Facts, 2021
Table 3: Taiwan - Analysis of the Political Landscape
Table 4: Taiwan - Analysis of the Economic Landscape
Table 5: Taiwan - Analysis of the Social Landscape
Table 6: Taiwan - Analysis of the Technological Landscape
Table 7: Taiwan - Analysis of the Legal Landscape
Table 8: Taiwan - Analysis of the Environmental Landscape
Table 9: Taiwan - Population by Age (%), 2020
Table 11: Taiwan - Patents Granted by the USPTO, 2014-2020

List Of Figures

Figure 1: Map of Taiwan
Figure 2: Taiwan - Exports and Imports with China, 2007-2020e
Figure 3: Taiwan - Net Government Borrowing as Percentage of GDP, 2016-2021f
Figure 4: Taiwan - Gross Government Debt (US$ Billion/ % of GDP), 2016-2021f
Figure 5: Taiwan - Number of Schools at All Levels, 2009-2019
Figure 6: Taiwan - Number of Students per Teacher at All Levels, 2009-2019
Figure 7: Taiwan - Total Educational Expenditures at All Levels (NT$ Bn/% of GDP), 2009-2019
Figure 8: Taiwan - Average Annual Wage Growth (US$), 2000-2026f
Figure 9: Taiwan - Labor Productivity Index of Manufacturing Sector (quarterly), 2017-2019
Figure 10: Taiwan - Researchers per 1,000 Employed, 2007-2018
Figure 11: Taiwan - Active Criminal Police Cases vs Clearance Rate (Violent Crime), 2009-2019
Figure 12: Taiwan - Recycling and Reuse of Waste, 2005-2020
Figure 13: Taiwan - Depletion of Groundwater (Million Cubic Meters/TWD Billion), 2009-2018
Figure 14: Taiwan - Key Political Events
Figure 15: Taiwan - Key Political Figures, 2021
Figure 16: Taiwan - Key Political Parties, Number of Seats Won in the Election, 2020
Figure 17: Taiwan - Historical GDP Growth, 2011-2020e
Figure 18: Taiwan - Real GDP and GDP Growth (Constant 2010 Prices), 2016-2025f
Figure 19: Taiwan - GDP Composition by Sector (%), 2020e
Figure 20: Taiwan - Agricultural Output (TWD Billion/%), 2016-2021f
Figure 21: Taiwan - Industrial Output (TWD Trillion/%), 2016-2021f
Figure 22: Taiwan - Services Output (TWD Trillion/%), 2016-2021f
Figure 23: Taiwan - External Trade (Growth), 2016-2021f
Figure 24: Taiwan - CPI and CPI-Based Inflation (%), 2016-2025f
Figure 25: Unemployment in Taiwan (Thousands/%), 2018-2025f
Figure 26: Taiwan - Healthcare Expenditure (US$ Billion/%), 2012-2018
Figure 27: Taiwan - Government Expenditure on Education (US$ bn/%), 2010-2016
Figure 28: Taiwan - Internet Usage (Millions/%), 2016-2020e
Figure 29: Taiwan - R&D Expenditure (US$ Billion/% of GDP), 2010-2019
Figure 30: Taiwan - Carbon Dioxide Emissions (Million Tons/%), 2010-2019

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