Cloud Computing in Medical Devices Sector, 2021 Update - Thematic Research

Cloud Computing in Medical Devices Sector, 2021 Update - Thematic Research


The medical devices sector is undergoing a digital transformation, fueled by changes in disease discovery and management and patient care delivery. Medical devices companies must adapt to these changes to remain profitable. Cloud computing is winning broad adoption in the medical devices sector because it can simplify access to patient records, drive efficiency, facilitate communication, support artificial intelligence (AI), and provide secure virtual storage.


- This is a single theme report providing in-house analyst expertise of the impact of cloud computing on the medical devices sector.
- Components of the report include: a value chain section highlighting the leading vendors and adopters of this technology, an in-depth industry analysis including market size growth/forecasts as well as how current challenges facing the medical devices industry can be solved with cloud computing, and key case studies assessing how the top medical devices companies are using cloud computing.

Reasons to Buy

- Develop and design your corporate strategies through an in-house expert analysis of cloud computing by understanding the primary ways in which this theme is impacting the medical devices industry.
- Stay up to date on the industrys major vendors and adopters.
- Identify key use cases of cloud computing in medical devices to gain a competitive advantage and to help you decide whether you should invest, ignore, or explore specific aspects of cloud computing.

Executive summary
Cloud computing value chain
Medical devices challenges
The impact of cloud computing on medical devices
Case studies
Market size and growth forecasts
Cloud computing timeline
Our thematic research methodology

Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market 2022-2028

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